Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pooping in Public and Life's Other Small Challenges

I know all the places on campus where there is just one stall, because sometimes, despite common theory of women, I poop. For the life of me I don't know why pooping is so embarrassing and hard to do for so many of us. I can't count the number of times I've gone into a bathroom where it seems to be empty and then all of a sudden a huge fart comes out from one of the stalls.  I can't speak for the male species but when this happens I can guarantee you that that woman is going to sit in the stall in silence until everyone else has left the bathroom!  Coming out of the stall and running into a person you will never see again is bad enough, because you know, and they know, that those tamales did not sit well at lunch. Imagine the horror though if the person outside the stall is someone you know!!! You might have to pass them everyday at work and you know they'll just be laughing in their head every time they see you! "hahahahah you had diarrhea!" Rude! Like they have never had it before.

This brings me to another of life's small challenges. Being polite. I am a polite person, to your face, but when you are gone and ESPECIALLY in my head ooooooooooh boy you know all I am thinking is "you are a freaking idiot."  I am not talking about the run in at your local grocery store where the little old lady in front of you is writing a check because she is too scared to use her debit card in front of you for fear you will see her enter her PIN like you could use it without the card. (crazy old bats!) No I am talking about when you are sitting at a Starbucks having a nice chat with a friend and someone decides to interject their opinion about your recent STD problem. I am polite enough to just smile an say thank you when really I'm thinking, "Um no ma'am I don't have an STD problem, I said "bestie problem" like best friend. I'm glad to know that you are living happily with herpes though." Now that's a real life challenge, not, say something like a having to be polite or having a good credit score.

We've all seen the bumper sticker, "you don't grow up you only get old" or something like that. Let's be real folks, we all grow up, or so I thought. I graduated high school and thought things like a credit score actually matter all of a sudden and keeping a job was vital. Ugh! Imagine my surprise then when every other car dealership, furniture store and housing complex tell me "good credit, bad credit, or no credit it doesn't matter!" Even more shocking is when I move into a house of four grown men that not only don't care about credit scores or careers they have neither. And guess what? They are doing just fine! Who knew I could do that too?!

Challenge for this month. Don't sweat life's small challenges... this month I will proudly poop in public, be rude to a deserving person and not pay my bills! (okay I'm not that free spirited, I'll just start with the first two!)


1 comment:

  1. haaaa, i needed that! today sucked driving back to our apartment! crazy drivers! who threatens a lady in a car, especially a pregnant lady?! crazy desert people!
